Power Skills: Key to Boosting Business Growth  

elev8 - 4 min read

Featured image for article titled "Power Skills: Key to Boosting Business Growth Power Skills: Key to Boosting Business Growth" showing a group of 4 people with their fists up in the air, smiling, as if they just achieved something great.

In today’s fast-paced business world, technical skills alone are not enough to drive success. Power skills, also known as soft skills or transferable skills, are becoming increasingly important for boosting business growth. These skills encompass a range of abilities such as communication, critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, adaptability, and leadership.  

In this article, we will delve into what power skills are and how they can make a significant impact on your business. Get ready to unlock the true potential of your workforce!  

What Are Power Skills?  

Power skills, also known as soft skills or transferable skills, enhance an individual’s ability to work effectively with others. They include communication, teamwork, problem-solving, adaptability, leadership, and time management. These skills are highly valued in the workplace and contribute to productivity and success. Developing power skills can boost careers and drive business growth.  

The connection between power skills and emotional intelligence is strong. Emotional intelligence involves understanding and managing emotions, as well as navigating relationships. Power skills, such as communication and collaboration, are key components of emotional intelligence. Developing these skills enhances emotional intelligence, leading to better relationships and business growth. So, what soft skills can be referred to as “power skills”? 


Effective communication is vital in any professional setting. By expressing ideas clearly, individuals with excellent communication skills can avoid misunderstandings and promote collaboration. Active listening is a significant aspect of effective communication as it allows individuals to understand others’ perspectives fully. Utilizing strong communication skills can also enhance teamwork and foster a collaborative workplace environment.  

Moreover, clear and concise communication helps improve customer satisfaction and build loyalty. Whether it’s conveying information internally among coworkers or externally with clients, the importance of communication cannot be overstated. By honing their communication skills, professionals can thrive in the modern workplace and drive business growth.  

Critical Thinking & Problem-Solving 

Critical thinking is a vital skill in today’s fast-paced and complex business environment. It involves the ability to analyze and evaluate information objectively, asking questions, challenging assumptions, and making informed decisions.  

By developing critical thinking skills, individuals can enhance problem-solving abilities and drive innovation within their organizations. This skill is particularly important in navigating uncertainties and making strategic choices for business growth.  

Studies have shown that CEOs and business leaders value critical thinking and problem solving as one of the most important skills for professional success. Forbes has even highlighted the importance of power skills like critical thinking in driving company innovation and improving the bottom line. Developing a growth mindset and honing critical thinking abilities can lead to better decision-making and drive professional development.  


When teams collaborate effectively, they become more innovative and productive, which ultimately leads to business growth. Cultivating a collaborative culture within an organization promotes teamwork and fosters creativity. By developing collaboration skills, individuals can enhance their problem-solving abilities and build stronger professional relationships.  

As the nature of work continues to evolve in the modern workplace, collaboration becomes even more crucial. According to Forbes, CEOs and business leaders consider collaboration as one of the most important skills for professional success. It drives innovation and improves a company’s bottom line. By fostering empathy, emotional intelligence, and intercultural fluency, teams can thrive and achieve collective goals.  


Out of 50,000 work-based abilities, creativity was identified as the most critical corporate asset by LinkedIn. Creativity is a vital power skill that enables individuals to think beyond the conventional and come up with innovative solutions. It entails generating fresh ideas, exploring various perspectives, and embracing unconventional approaches. With creativity, individuals can bring unique viewpoints and drive innovation within teams and organizations.  

Cultivating creativity leads to improved problem-solving, increased productivity, and enhanced business growth. Ultimately, creativity plays a significant role in driving innovation, improving the company’s bottom line, and ensuring continued professional development.  

Adaptability & Agility 

Adaptability encompasses the ability to adjust and thrive in shifting environments, demonstrating openness, flexibility, and a willingness to learn. By cultivating adaptability, businesses can respond quickly to market trends and customer needs, driving innovation and resilience. This power skill is especially crucial in the face of the ongoing pandemic, where companies must navigate unprecedented challenges.  

Adaptability and agility allow organizations to embrace new technologies, explore diverse strategies, and make agile decisions. It enables employees to navigate uncertainties, collaborate effectively with coworkers, and navigate intercultural fluency. The modern workplace demands individuals who can adapt to various job functions, from leadership roles to customer service and problem-solving.  


Effective leadership is a crucial power skill that plays a pivotal role in guiding and inspiring others towards a common goal. It goes beyond simply managing a team; it involves fostering collaboration, driving performance, and creating a positive work environment. A strong leader possesses essential skills such as effective communication, decision-making abilities, problem-solving acumen, and emotional intelligence. These skills enable leaders to navigate challenges, make informed choices, and encourage innovation within their teams.  

Developing leadership skills is important for individuals aspiring to excel in managerial roles and drive business growth. Whether it’s leading a small team or an entire organization, strong leadership skills are vital at every level. They empower individuals to effectively manage projects, resolve conflicts, and motivate their teams to achieve outstanding results. Companies recognize the significance of leadership skills in their workforce as they contribute to improved employee retention, customer service, and overall organizational success.  

In a rapidly changing and complex business landscape, leadership skills have become more critical than ever. Leaders with an adaptive mindset and intercultural fluency can navigate diverse environments and contribute to the growth and resilience of their organizations.  

As the nature of work evolves and remote teams become the norm, leaders must possess the agility to adapt to these changes and foster collaboration among coworkers. The importance of power skills, including leadership, cannot be overstated as they drive innovation, shape company culture, and ultimately impact the company’s bottom line.  

How Can Companies Leverage Power Skills?  

To harness the potential of power skills, companies can make a significant impact by investing in employee training programs and cultivating a culture of continuous learning. This can be achieved by offering real-world opportunities for employees to practice and refine their power skills such as communication, leadership, and problem-solving.  

Encouraging collaboration within teams and providing platforms for employees to share their knowledge and experiences can further enhance the effectiveness of these skills. By prioritizing the development of power skills, organizations can create a workforce that is adaptable, innovative, and capable of navigating the challenges of today’s rapidly evolving business landscape.  

How to Implement Power Skills Training for Your Employees  

Implementing power skills training for your employees begins with identifying the specific skills that are most relevant to your business. Once you have identified these skills, you can develop a comprehensive training plan that incorporates a combination of classroom instruction and practical hands-on practice.  

Utilize various learning opportunities such as workshops, online courses, and mentorship programs to ensure a well-rounded training experience for your employees. Lastly, it is essential to evaluate the effectiveness of the training through assessments and feedback from employees to continuously improve and refine your power skills training program.  

Custom Training by Elev8  

Power skills are the key to boosting business growth in today’s competitive landscape. By prioritizing power skills, businesses can position themselves for long-term success in the ever-evolving business world.  

Elev8 offers custom training programs based on the needs of your organization and employees to deliver lasting results and transform your workforce. You can learn more about our programs here or reach out to one of our education experts to discuss details